What warmed John right up, though, was a birthday visit from his girlfriend Elise. Stephanie and Elise brought us over some Chipotle for lunch, as well as a little pre-party gift for John to open -- a transportation-themed fridge magnet set!
When Daddy got home that evening, he and Mommy had pizza from Papa Murphy's. John had already eaten his dinner, but that didn't stop him from wanting a bite of what we were eating.
You can see how this little episode played out in the following photos and video.....
We soon realized John would do anything in his power to get to Daddy's pizza. This included walking on his own, which he started doing a few days earlier (January 6th).
Here is a video of our hare-brained "Will John walk for pizza?" experiment:
And here is a video that Stephanie took earlier in the day of John walking to his Mommy (thanks, Stephanie!):
But back to the evening of John's birthday.....so we all sat in the playroom eating pizza and reveling in its deliciousness. How cute are John and Daddy in this next video?!
When we had all finished eating, John opened his presents from his Aunt Katharine and Uncle Jarey (a Skip Hop bath toy holder); his Grandma Kay Ellen (money for his college fund, books and an Elmo stuffed animal); and his Grandpa Harry and Grandma Robin (a Twins summer outfit with matching socks).
Here's a video of John opening his last gift.....
And a photo of him in his new outfit.....Go Twins!
ooooh too cute! i love the pizza experiment!