Before everyone arrived, John limbered up for another big afternoon of gift opening by cruising around the leather ottoman in the living room.
He then posed in front of his airplane birthday cake with Grandma and Great Grandma Dressler and read a Christmas book with Great Grandma Dressler.
Once the guests arrived, it was time to open presents! It was good for John to practice his skills some more, since he definitely hadn't mastered the techniques from Christmas.
The whole crowd.....
John claws at his present from Great Aunt Valerie and Great Uncle Greg, willing it to open on its own.....
It does not open on its own. But he finds a little helicopter attached to the top and takes a little pre-cake nibble from it.....
Finally, Mom stages an intervention and helps John open the gift.
After taking his time opening all his presents (boy, did he get a lot of toys and clothes!), John stripped down to his "This little pilot is 1" onesie and got into his highchair. He was ready for a showdown with his smash cake! Or so we thought.....once the cake was on his tray, he did not even want to touch it with one finger! He was super grossed out by the texture of the frosting and eventually had to be coaxed by his Uncle Jesse into trying the first bite. After this initial episode, John decided that the cake wasn't so bad after all.
Here is John rebuffing his smash cake with a wave of his hand and his signature full-body shudder.
And here he is after finally realizing how yummy the cake tastes!
A video of the entire cake event.....
I love how he kept shuddering, Sarah! That is darling! Nolan does every once in a while, but definitely not that often. He really is such a cute baby (I mean, big boy).