The only place he doesn't want to play with her is in the Bob, our double jogging stroller. When they're in the Bob, Lila always reaches across to his side and tries to take his toy. When she does, he'll say, "Keep your hands to yourself, please, Lila!" He learned that from his Mommy, who has to say that to him sometimes. (Incidentally, we just bought the most WONDERFUL stroller, a Joovy Ultralight Caboose, and because it's a tandem stroller, Lila's wandering hands aren't a problem when the kids are riding in it. This wasn't the only reason we bought the stroller, but it's definitely an added perk.)
So, here are the kiddos hanging out together in the playroom (before we rearranged the furniture and before I changed my mind about the rug and bought the darker green rug).....
Here they are in the family room. John was pretending to ride on top of Lila like a horse, and Lila didn't mind at all.....

Here they are in Lila's crib after they had both taken a bath. They were rolling around, and John started tickling Lila's feet.....

And finally, here they are in the playroom again (with the darker rug and the furniture against the back wall). With Mommy's help, John lifted Lila onto his lap for some playtime. Then he wanted to give her a hug -- but he had a death grip on the poor girl! He loves her so much, and she adores him. No one can make Lila smile like her big brother!
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