Just look at that smile! Her eyes are so pretty and sparkly too.

I absolutely had to have Lila change into her "My First Twins Tee" for some of the shots. Lila looks exactly like her Daddy in the second pic!

John was very sweet with Lila for their joint shots. He actually wanted to put his head against hers and hold her hand! The photographer asked if I would sign a release form for the first photo below so that she could use it for her portfolio and so JcPenney's could use it for marketing purposes. I was o.k. with that!

For Lila's 6-month photos in April, I want to use this on-location photographer I heard about from my friend Jen. Her name is Anna Lemon, and she has great rates right now because she is trying to build up a portfolio of work. Her website is http://www.annalemon.com/.
those are awesome!!!! you have adorable kiddos :)