Last Thursday evening, while we were having a Valentine's Day-themed dinner at his Aunt Sheri's house, John started walking on his own ALL OVER the place. He was unstoppable! He would walk from the front door, through the living room and into the kitchen and then turn around and walk back to the front door. And once he discovered the stairs, he wanted to walk up those, too!
Then, while we were at the marriage retreat this past weekend, he walked all around our hotel room as well as the nursery area. Apparently, he even taught a nine-month-old little boy how to walk by dragging him around by the hand! I did videotape John practicing his new skill, but afterwards I realized I had been holding the camera the wrong way and the video was sideways. (I have a problem with this.....just ask Ross.)
John's been sick with a virus since Monday morning, so we haven't gotten any more videos of him walking. I think being sick has actually caused him to regress in his walking. He is just very lethargic and wants to be held about 95% of the day. He definitely does not event want to stand by himself right now, let alone walk. satisfy everyone's desire to see John walking, here are some pictures of John from that fateful Thursday evening last week when our baby officially became a toddler. (Notice his nervous Mommy's legs in the background of each picture.) Thank you, Aunt Kami, for being our photographer that night!

Yay, for John! Look at that smile!

Clapping his hands for his big accomplishment.....

The toddler finally got tired of toddling!